Undoubtedly, anchoring your new dentures on implants is a larger investment compared to dentures on your own teeth.
Here it is even more important that planning and the desired result are reconciled. The anatomical and medical conditions provide the framework within which we can move.
Based on the digital presentation of your structures and a solid findings survey, the implant positions can be planned as virtually as possible.
Your aesthetic wishes are incorporated into the overall planning.
With the three-dimensional, digital representation, it is possible to detect in advance where and how to implant. The implants can be set in a targeted manner via Guided Surgery.
In this way, together with your dentist, we create the best possible and most sustainable care.
Always according to the current state of medicine and technology. Reliable working methods and materials are used.
Not everything is feasible. There is a solution to many things. We only follow paths that can lead to a sustainable goal.
We would be delighted if you trusted us, as we will do our best to keep our promise.